Car fleet service
Quick response
Large selection
Exemplary technical condition
In which situations can we help?
You hired a new employee, but you don’t have a company car for him? No worries. Thanks to medium and long-term rentals you can fill the gaps in your fleet immediately. You don’t have to make a quick decision about buying a car for a new employee in order to provide him the ability to work. Rentals are the easiest way to quickly fill out vehicle shortages, and leaving your car fleet entrusted to specialists will bring many benefits to your company.
Car theft is an unpleasant event, and it cannot affect the continuity of your business. Fortunately, there are ways that guarantee the smooth running of the company, despite random emergencies. Rent a car now and ensure the fulfillment of your obligations. Thanks to this, you will avoid many unpleasant consequences, such as unrealized orders and delays.
Car sale
Have you ever sold a company car but didn’t know what to replace it with? Rushing to buy a new one is a bad move. Instead replace it with a rented car. It will give you time to think about buying a new vehicle, and after experiencing the rental offer you may come to the conclusion that buying is not the best solution. Car fleet services and the financing of company cars may be a much better solution for you.
Breakdowns sometimes happen; the most important thing is to maintain business continuity despite the emergency. A rental car can quickly replace the damaged model, and the speed of completing the formalities will allow you to maintain smooth work. However, if you already use the car fleet service, you will be given assistance during a breakdown.
Are you planning on changing your fleet, but have to wait for the change to take place? In order for your company to function properly, you must take care of your current obligations. A pre-contract car is the perfect solution for such a situation. You can find efficient car fleet services and the car necessary to ensure the proper functioning of your company in our rental office.
If there is accident then, the Autocasco policy will guarantee that you will not be left without a vehicle to fulfill the company’s obligations. For the duration of the repairs on your car (or until you buy a new one in the event of the car being totaled), you can use the rented car to meet your obligations. This is a great alternative for AC owners who are the perpetrators of motor damage.
There are certain restrictions when it comes to fleet selection for management. Therefore, long-term car rental is the perfect solution. Cars for senior employees are a prestigious perk in addition to standard salaries, which can also serve as a motivating element. Additionally, having a set of luxury cars for your senior management sends a message and elevates your brand. That is why many companies decide to rent top luxury cars for CEOs and managers. Such methods are widely used among the presidents of large banks, financial institutions, or insurance companies.
In the case of large corporations, long-term rental is an excellent form of acquiring vehicles for the managerial staff. This is because luxurious cars, in addition to a higher one-off payments to the leasing company, come with higher costs of service, insurance etc. These are the costs that they do not personally take on when using long-term rental.
The employment of seasonal workers and the implementation of future contracts are often associated with the problem of insufficient vehicles necessary to carry out the company’s tasks. So if your industry is seasonal, car rental is an option that reduces costs when revenues are lower and guarantees that your business obligations will be met when necessary.
Our wide selection of models will meet the requirements of every industry. Our cars are perfect not only for the construction industry, but also for commercial tasks. You can choose a vehicle that you will represent your companies image or one that will be perfect for transporting employees. We will find the best solution for your situation! Next ADV is a professional car fleet service and car rental enterprise for various periods. See in which situation our services may be needed by your company!